Our team


Ally and Clare have been friends and colleagues for over a decade, working alongside each other in clinical practice, research, training and program development.  We share a passion for raising awareness and reducing stigma about mental health problems. We believe that feeling connected and supported in our personal and professional lives is integral to good mental health. 


Ally hughes

BA (Hons), MPsych (Clin)

Ally completed her clinical psychology training in 2008. Since this time she has worked as a clinical psychologist with children, young people and adults in community, private and education settings including Orygen Youth Health, headspace Sunshine, private practice and The University of Melbourne.

Ally has expertise working therapeutically with people experiencing depression, anxiety, stress, relationship problems, psychosis, trauma, personality disorder and substance use issues. She is an AHPRA endorsed clinical supervisor with experience in both individual and group supervision.

In addition to her clinical work, Ally has held research, training and service development roles for a range of organisations including; Orygen, The National Centre of Excellence in Youth Mental Health and The University of Melbourne. She has co-authored a number of clinical training manuals and developed online modules and direct delivery training packages for mental health clinicians working in the area of early psychosis. Ally has been involved in the development and delivery of client and community focused workshops, including the Mental Health First Aid Courses.

Ally considers it a privilege to be able to work with diverse groups of people, both as a therapist and as an educator to develop skills to identify mental health problems and enhance mental wellbeing.

MHFA Instructor Profile



BA (Hons), BCom, MPsych (Clin)

Clare has been working as a clinical psychologist in Melbourne since completing her training in 2010. She has held a range of roles in public, private and education settings including Orygen Youth Health, headspace Sunshine, and The University of Melbourne.

Clare enjoys working collaboratively with individuals, families, and organisations to understand and improve their mental health. In her work with clients in individual therapy sessions, Clare uses evidence-based psychological approaches to help people experiencing a range of challenges including depression, anxiety, psychosis, relationship issues, substance use problems and trauma. Clare is also an AHPRA endorsed clinical supervisor.

In her roles working with organisations Clare has designed and delivered a range of mental health and wellbeing workshops and training programs including Mental Health First Aid Courses, provided group and individual consultation, as well as been involved in creating and implementing mental health promotion initiatives.

MHFA Instructor Profile