our services


Mental Health First Aid Training

Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) is an evidence-based and internationally recognised program. Similar to medical first-aid, MHFA teaches you how to help a friend, family member, colleague or someone in your community experiencing mental health problems.

Participants learn about the symptoms of depression, anxiety, substance use disorders and psychosis; evidence based treatments; and skills for responding to a person experiencing a mental health problem or crisis.

Workplace Consultation

MHFA Australia recognises employers and organisations that embed the principles of MHFA within their workplace through the MHFA Workplace Recognition Program.

We can help you to develop a mental health workplace strategy and become recognised as a MHFA Skilled Workplace. This may involve initial consultation with managers and staff to understand the specific mental health needs of your organisation, facilitation of MHFA training, support to set up a MHFA Officer Program and the option of ongoing support to maintain and evolve these programs.  

tailored mental health training

If you are interested in mental health training for your workplace or community but feel that the MHFA courses may not cater to your needs; we are able to design a tailored training session for you. 

Contact us to talk more about this option.